The influence of environmental variables on freshwater rotifers of the family Brachionidae and Lecanidae in Thailand

Published: 24 January 2017
Abstract Views: 135
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This study investigates the influence of limnological parameters that are known to influence rotifer species richness and composition in temperate areas on two families of monogonont rotifers in a tropical area. We analysed species richness and diversity of the two families from 133 samples taken from several habitat types in Thailand. Coordinates, elevation, pH, temperature, conductivity, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured and their effect on rotifers assessed. A total of 60 species in 5 genera was recorded from the two families. Latitude and temperature had an effect on species richness of Brachionidae. None of the variables affected species richness of Lecanidae, except habitat type, albeit not significantly. Habitat type and conductivity had an effect on species composition of the two families, whereas latitude had an effect only on species composition of Lecanidae. Species richness and composition of the two rotifer families are well documented in Thailand and no or only few additional species are expected. The limnological correlates of rotifer diversity seem to be in part comparable to and in part different from those known from temperate areas, suggesting that there may be general trends in rotifer species richness and composition across different latitudes.



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How to Cite

Sa-ardrit, P., Pholpunthin, P., Segers, H., & Fontaneto, D. (2017). The influence of environmental variables on freshwater rotifers of the family Brachionidae and Lecanidae in Thailand. Tropical Zoology, 30(1), 28–48. Retrieved from